Is a cloud-based solution which handles subscription, memberships and magazines.
A subscription is an agreement managing regular delivery of articles/services until stop.
Customer is a person or company registered in the system.
Password is a unique code that a customer has to register to get verified.
Is a person/company which has entered an agreement managing delivery of products/services until stop.
Is a chosen period of time interval for the subscription. Will also effect time of invoice.
Is a an article, either physical or a service.
Includes a collection of one or many products.
Subscriptionplan step-up
Which type of bundle and price is valid in the next period of the Subscription.
Payment frequency
Is a period of the agreement which is billed each time.
The price of the article/service you have registered in the product register.
VAT is a fee which is paid to a public government when an article/service is delivered.
EHF 3.0
Electronic billing format used between businesses from 01.01.2019.
Invoice is a document which legitimates a sale between a seller and a buyer. The invoice is sent out by the seller and the buyer has to pay the invoice which is a documentation of the buyers payment obligation and the sellers balance.
Payment type
Is a presentation of which type the subscriber wants the invoice delivered.
Is a reminder of payment which is sent out to the customer/company or payer when an invoice is not paid before expiration date.
Invoice fee
Is a legitimate additional amount/fee which is added on an invoice. The fee is an agreement between the seller and the customer/company.
Reminder fee
Is a legitimate additional amount/fee which is added on a reminder.
Balance invoice
Balance invoice is an invoice including valid delivered articles/services which has not been paid.
Economic correction.
The correction will reduce the amount a subscriber shall pay for delivery of articles/services.
The credit amount is posted as a negative amount in a balance or a profit account.
Economic correction.
The correction will increase the amount a subscriber should pay for delivery of articles/services or reduce a subscriber’s credit from previous payments.
The debit amount is posted as a positive amount in a balance or a profit account.
Economic reversal of an amount to a subscriber.
Invoice payer
Is a person or a company which to recieve and pay the invoice.
Consolidated invoice payer
Is a person or company which is a payer of many subscriptions.
Arvato invoice
Is a special type of invoice in Arvato Factoring format.
Billing Plan
A billing plan is a set of parameters that controls how a subscription is billed. Billing plan is always mandatory in a Subscription plan.
Dunning Process
A process to configure how the system should handle missing payments and create payment reminders.
Represents the subscribers financial transactions of debits and credits in addition to current balance.
Is an administration client which the company employ to manage their subscriptions.
Is a «my site» solution where a subscriber can manage their subscriptions.
Sales posts
Is an order page for ordering a subscription.
Is a complaint from a subscriber on ordered article/service.
Sequence numbers
Is an option under configuration where you can set a database startnumber for invoice and customerID entries.
A copy of a database.